Tuesday, July 29

A date!

Hello friends!

A few people know this already, but Jordan and I have set a date for our wedding.
The glorious event will take place on May 17, 2009. It will be somewhere in NH (my home). Exactly where is still to be determined. We are scouting out a few places... or rather, my parents are scouting and taking pictures. When we get some pics, I'll post a couple here.

For now, Jordan and I are working on finalizing our budget and a few other boring things. Soon we'll get to the fun stuff!

Our posts are probably going to be pretty short for now. We're in the middle of our summer jobs and don't have much spare time. Once we get settled into our school routine we'll be able to write more. Plus, by then, more exciting things will be happening!

much love to everyone,

Monday, July 28

Hi From the Groom

Hey all,

Since Ashley posted our story I wanted to come on and say I will be trying to add to this blog too. 

I hope you enjoy following our story as we move closer to our BIG day.


The beginning of an Adventure

 Well, I guess it's not quite the beginning... The beginning was 3 years ago. And it has been an adventure!

For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, Jordan and I are engaged!

A brief retelling of the proposal:
Jordan and I were on spring break with my brother, Aaron, and two of our best friends, Keith and Nancy (who recently got engaged as well!). We travelled to Myrtle Beach, SC to spend some much needed free time on the beach and in the pool. On Sunday, March 2, the five of us went for an evening walk along the beach. After walking for a while, Jordan stopped and took my hands in his. I didn't notice, but Aaron and Keith and Nancy spread out around us with cameras. After whispering some sweet nothings, Jordan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

Of course I said yes!!

A minor car accident a few days later set back our initial planning, but now we're on a roll. I will do my best to keep you all up-to-date on the wedding plans, and maybe even our first year married!

I'll sign off for now though. But don't worry. I'll be back soon!