Thursday, October 2

Wedding writery

Howdy folks

Jordan and I have been brainstorming on paperish stuff, with help from Courtney. I believe we've settled on a Save-The-Date design, and we're getting close to settling on invites. We hope to be getting started on those soon. Jordan and I went to Hobby Lobby the other day to look at paper, and picked up some samples to fiddle with and figure out how we can make this stuff ourselves. I think it will work.

It's hard to believe we're almost to mid-term break! Jordan and I will be going to North and South Carolina with our friends Keith and Nancy for their wedding shower and other wedding preparations. They are getting married on December 21. (yay!) So we are looking forward to that.

We are fast approaching the 7-months-to-go mark... We're getting really excited! Jordan looked at suits the other day and S&K. He hasn't settled on anything yet, but I found a suit that I liked. A brown suit with a very light stripe to it... it looked really good when he tried it on. But suits are up to him...mostly... ;-)

Well, homework is still around, so I'd better get to it.
hugs to all!