Sunday, May 10

Wedding Season

It's May, and I know several couples who are or already have tied the knot this month. It's kinda weird though. How old are we really? I don't feel old enough to know peers who are getting married, and yet, I'm old enough to be getting married. Wow.

Anyways, things are moving forward. I'm taking The Dress to be fitted tomorrow. That alone is exciting.

The invites are sent. We only have a few more to hand deliver around here, and then that part will be finished!

Now that school is out, my stress level has dropped, and I've managed to not bite or peel my nails! They are looking rather nice right now. I'll be working hard to keep them that way. I wan nice fingernails and hands for the wedding!

The church we attend here has scheduled a wedding shower for the 24th. If you're in the area, you are welcome to come join us! At the Apison SDA Church at 2 p.m. I'm not sure where we're going to put any more gifts... but we'll manage. It will all have to fit in here anyways, so we might as well start the puzzle now!

We will be heading North sometime during the last week of May, possibly the 25th. I think we'll be heading to NY to spend a few days with Jordan's parents there, then heading to NH on Friday. Plans are still VERY tentative, but that's the general idea.

We still have so much to do! We still need to work out the order of ceremony and other details for the program... which I still have to design and we'll need to print that at some point too... hmmm.

Mom has told me that she's already gotten many RSVPs for the Big Day, so that's great!

Well, thats just a taste of what's going on lately. Tonight our buds Keith and Nancy are coming over to GRILL. Yumm...

Hugs to all!

Thursday, April 30

The Dress

Today we had Keith and Nancy over. Nancy's one of my bridesmaids, and I've had her dress here, waiting for her to come get it. So tonight she and I locked ourselves in my bedroom to try on our Dresses. She put hers on first to make sure it still fits. It does! (She's super skinny, so we wanted to make sure it wasn't too big.) She'll need to have it hemmed, but that's about it.

So then we got out my Dress. I've been concerned about it fitting. When I bought it, it fit. But that was a semester ago, and this has been a stressful semester. (nuff said) But good news! It still fits! And I only need the bodice fitted. The length, with my shoes, is perfect... just perfect!!! I was so giddy wearing That Dress... ahhhh, I can't wait!

42 days to go!

Tuesday, April 28

The Countdown....

... is finally to a place where it makes sense to count down!

We are 45 days away from the Big Day. Many things have come together rapidly. All dresses, tuxes, flowers, cakes... we're getting so close!

Jordan and i are finishing up finals this week. Mine are already done, Jordan finishes up tomorrow. Now that school is out of the way, we are going to try to post more here. In the meantime, if we can't post every day, we set up my twitter account on here, so you can follow what we're doing that way.

We want to get this more up-to-date, but that might take forever and a day. So how about we just pick up right here?

We mailed out our first batch of invitations this week. We have more to come, but not everything is finished yet. But watch for your invite in the mail soon!

Jordan will be moving out of the dorm this week as well. Everything but himself will be moving in to our apartment... somehow. We're still figuring out how we are going to fit everything. We need a couple of extra furniture pieces, such as a dresser for him, and possibly another bookcase. But we've been slowly acquiring things to make it like home here.

My Dad is coming down to visit this week and to help us get the cars running. Yes, 3 out of 4 of our running vehicles are currently out of order. We are surviving solely on Jordan's Mom's van, which we are also trying to sell for her. So say a prayer that the cars will be easily fixed now that we have the time and the extra hands to work on them.

We have set up our bed frame, which will eventually hold a waterbed mattress. Currently my queen size box spring and mattress are, ahem, swimming in the waterbed frame.

Alcott, our cat, has sprouted to almost 10 lbs. When we got him, he was 3 lbs. He is still trouble, but also very sweet. Much like a child! He's our baby, and the only one we're planning on for a few years.

In other news, we have settled on a honeymoon location, and have the reservation booked! Thanks to Gram Cheney who had an extra time share, which was still available for us to use! We are only telling those who need to know where we are going. If you know, don't tell. :-)

Well, I think that is about all for now. This next month I'm sure will go by fast as we finish up wedding details, plan travel, visit with friends, and bask in the schoollessness of summer. We're hoping to go on at least one camping trip with friends. We have decided to keep a travel diary, beginning this month, of all of our escapades. We may post the journal entries here, or we may just wait until the journal is full, then publish it, make lots of money and take a second honeymoon...hmm, that sounds pretty nice!

Anyways, keep checking back for updates on the wedding and just on us! You can also check out my blog at Inimitable Introspection.

Tuesday, March 24

More Wedding Updates!

Alright, I really need to keep up with this. I've been meaning to, but time just flies away without me even realizing it's gone!

A couple of weeks ago we made our way North for Spring Break. While there, Mom and I went to visit a girl about a cake... and we found the perfect person who could make the perfect cake! A few people know what kind of cake, but the rest of you will have to wait and see. I will say this, it is delicious!

We have also been working on flowers. Mom has found a local florist who so far is coming in quite under budget! The flowers are going to be beautiful. They will include pretty cream roses and we're splurging on several orchids! I never thought I'd be able to afford orchids, but we're using just enough to not blow our budget. Very exciting!

The most recent news is that we have dropped off our invitations for printing!! We are hoping to have them back by the end of the week. We also ordered the envelopes today, which I'm really excited about. Now, I'm not a recycled-fiber-everything kind of Green girl... but I am happy with these envelopes. They are 100% recycled paper, 70# paper bag material. They look great! And will go with our colors and theme wonderfully.

We are planning to get the invitations out within the next 2 weeks. That means once the envelopes arrive, I will be busting my... hand, writing all the names and addresses. But it's worth it, I'm really looking forward to it.

We will be ordering our rings soon, so that we can check that off the list of things to do.

Mom is looking for reception decoration and food serving stuff. We're putting together a reception team of some amazing ladies from my life (If you're reading this, and you know who you are, THANK YOU SO MUCH!) who will take a huge load off our minds and make the day just go so much smoother.

The flower girls have their dresses, the bridesmaids have theirs, the groomsman should all have their tuxes ordered.

We're finalizing honeymoon plans and "first night" plans.

We will begin rearranging and moving Jordan's things in soon. Not quite sure how we will fit everything into my little apartment, but it will happen!

That's the biggest news right now. I'll try to do better about updating. (I think I say that every time...) but I really will try!

We love you all, and can't wait to see you in June!

Saturday, January 17

Date change!

Hello friends and family!

I am so sorry we haven't updated this in a LONG time... School crept up on us and spare time was virtually non-existent! But we will try to do better this semester.

The big news is, we have changed the date for our wedding. Instead of May 17, we are now planning for June 12. So mark your calendars! June 12!

Yes, it is a Friday, so we hope that won't hinder travel plans at all.

There were some unforeseen complications for the May date, so when we started looking for a new date, I asked for a Friday.

In other news, the wedding dress is bought and paid for and hanging in my closet!! Yay! Also, all the bridesmaids have their dresses. Tuxes have been reserved, location is set, flowers are getting figured out (had a consultation with my Aunt, a florist), and things are moving forward!

We will try to get this updated more often with what's happening.

Love you all,
Ashley (and Jordan)