Saturday, January 17

Date change!

Hello friends and family!

I am so sorry we haven't updated this in a LONG time... School crept up on us and spare time was virtually non-existent! But we will try to do better this semester.

The big news is, we have changed the date for our wedding. Instead of May 17, we are now planning for June 12. So mark your calendars! June 12!

Yes, it is a Friday, so we hope that won't hinder travel plans at all.

There were some unforeseen complications for the May date, so when we started looking for a new date, I asked for a Friday.

In other news, the wedding dress is bought and paid for and hanging in my closet!! Yay! Also, all the bridesmaids have their dresses. Tuxes have been reserved, location is set, flowers are getting figured out (had a consultation with my Aunt, a florist), and things are moving forward!

We will try to get this updated more often with what's happening.

Love you all,
Ashley (and Jordan)