Tuesday, July 29

A date!

Hello friends!

A few people know this already, but Jordan and I have set a date for our wedding.
The glorious event will take place on May 17, 2009. It will be somewhere in NH (my home). Exactly where is still to be determined. We are scouting out a few places... or rather, my parents are scouting and taking pictures. When we get some pics, I'll post a couple here.

For now, Jordan and I are working on finalizing our budget and a few other boring things. Soon we'll get to the fun stuff!

Our posts are probably going to be pretty short for now. We're in the middle of our summer jobs and don't have much spare time. Once we get settled into our school routine we'll be able to write more. Plus, by then, more exciting things will be happening!

much love to everyone,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you! Miss you so much! Good luck with all the plans!