Sunday, December 5

Heading out on a new adventure!

Yes, its been a while since I've posted here, but life has carried us away!

Now we are getting ready for our next big adventure, a road trip out west! We will be gone over Christmas vacation, and will greatly miss family, but we plan to use this blog, Facebook, and Skype to keep our loved ones informed of our trip and close to our hearts.

Keep watching for trip updates, photos and stories from our journey!

Tuesday, February 9

A Geocaching Adventure

This past Sabbath we did indeed to geocaching. Hubby and me, Keith and Nancy, and my brother Aaron got all bundled up after church (and after lunch. Never geocache on an empty stomach.) and headed out. It was chilly, but still enjoyable.

My brother is a photo bomber. Go figure!

Our first stop was off of a back road in Apison. It was called "Don't Miss That Turn" or something like that.

We didn't miss the turn, but we almost missed the cache. I don't want to give too much away, so I won't tell you exactly where the cache was. However...

...that is how big this cache was, in it's entirety. And yes, I found it.

See? That's me, signing the miniscule log inside the cache! Sorry, but I was pretty excited to have found this one. It was my first super-micro cache, AND the first for the day, AND it was just really cool.

We went on to find two caches at the end of our road. We've meant to stop and find them, but just hadn't had time to stop. Until Sabbath.

The first cache was right by the road. Again, so as to not give too much away, I tried to not show specific landmarks.

Aaron was the one who found this one. He was pretty excited.

The same people to placed this cache also placed one further back on their property. We just happened to meet the owners wife as we were casually strolling down their driveway. Our obstacle was a massive German Shepherd, who was on a run that crossed our path to the cache. If it weren't for the Lady of the House, we'd be dog food.

Ok, he might look vicious (which is what we originally thought he was) but he's really not. She had just let him off his run, and he was just excited to be free. I would be too.

So, major obstacle averted, we pushed on to find the next cache. Jordan got to it first.

Keith just wasn't quick enough this time... :-)

We moved on now to some caches in Ooltewah. So far we'd had a good finding streak, and we wanted to see how far we could go without settling for a "did not find."

This next cache was on the side of a busy road that shall remain nameless. If you're from the area, you might recognize it... but then again, maybe not.

Another find for me! Keith had been snooping around this one for a while, but just couldn't find it. It's actually a 2-liter bottle, before stretching. Very cool for a cache.

It's us! Not bad for holding the camera out at arms length, huh?

On to the next cache!

Ok, any locals will know where this one is. You kinda can't miss a plane that nose-dived into Ooltewah. Especially when it's bright yellow.

This one was harder to find, simply because of all the rain recently.

See that orange tube? Yeah, that's the cache.

But the log was dry! But then came the challenge of putting the cache back.

Jordan was chosen to stick his hand in the yucky water to re-place the cache. Ew.

We were now 5 for 5! We were on a roll!

The next cache was supposedly in the middle of this field. We never found it. Boo.

We searched for another cache at a nearby car wash, but didn't find that one either. However, we were not willing to give up. So we trudged on.

Nancy was the one who found this one! It was stuck in a hole at the base of a tree. We'd now found 6 caches, and we weren't slowing down!

The next cache we found was a rock! Not a real rock, of course, but a man-made rock with a cache inside. Keith was pretty excited to find this one.

I found this one in a tree!

And Aaron found this one in a tree!

Over the whole day we found 17 caches! It was a great day, even though it got cold towards the end. We're planning to go out again in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll post some pics from that adventure too.

Must run for now, movie time!

Friday, February 5


Today it is raining, but tomorrow, rain or shine, Hubs and I are planning to go geocaching. It's been a while, and we have some travel bigs (TBs) that we need to relocate. I think our friends Keith and Nancy (at least Keith) are planning to come with us. Possibly my brother too. We'll see who decides to brave the weather.

If you haven't heard of geocaching, go here. That is the official geocaching website. You can find pretty much anything you want to know about the hobby (some would say, lifestyle.) And if you decide to sign up and try it, find us and let us know! Our geocaching name is Wagners612.

We mostly geocache in the Chattanooga, TN area, and the small outlying towns. We did to some caching in Rochester, NY over Christmas break. And our friends have cached in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina.

We are planning on setting up a cache of our own soon. We've got the location all picked out. Hubs wants to just go for it, but I think we should get permission from the property owners before we place it. We'll see which one of us will win out. ;-)

I'll post some pics from our Sabbath afternoon geocaching adventure later.

Working Out

This morning Hubs and I started a new work out. A 30-day challenge offered to us by the EA Sports Active Wii fitness video game. We already had the Wii Fit game and balance board, but the game left us feeling quite unsatisfied. Wii Fit has some fun games, but it didn't leave us feeling very "worked out." So last month we splurged and bought the EA Sports Active game. It comes with a leg strap for the nunchuk and a resistance band.

And this morning, we tried it. We didn't really know what to expect. We had seen it used on the TV show The Doctors, and we liked that we could work out together if we wanted to. (To work out with a friend, you need to buy a second leg strap and resistance band.) But just for today, we took turns.

We started out on the "easy" work out setting, and it was just right. The first work out of the 30-day challenge goes over the basics: all the major muscle groups and cardio. There was a variety of running in place, boxing, bicep curls, etc. We both had a lot of fun!

When the initial work out was done, and after I had cooled down a bit, I went back and created my own 10-minute workout, just boxing. I chose 10 different boxing sets, from targets to heavy bag, and just had at it. I'm still feeling that in my shoulders... But it was fun!

We've both going to try very hard to keep up with this 30-day challenge. It's something we both need to do, and if we can do it together and have fun, then that's great!

I know this sounds like just a commercial, and I apologize, but this is something new and exciting for us, so I had to share. Maybe someone else can benefit from this post. If you do, let me know! Leave a comment!

Wednesday, January 27

A New Leaf

Good morning! (although, it is almost afternoon...)
I didn't do as much with this blog during the wedding planning process as I would have liked, but I'm about to change that.

Welcome to our married life! It's an adventure every day, and we'd like to share some of those adventures with you! This blog will probably turn into a part travelog, part foodie blog, part coffee snob blog, and part mishmash. Should be fun!

We have been married now for 7 months (ish) and just as happy as the day we got married. We honeymooned (officially) in Virginia, and are still honeymooning in Mc Donald, TN. I (Ashley) am still in school, I have one more semester after this one, God willing. Jordan graduated in December and is working full time at Network 7 Media Center in Ooltewah, TN.

We moved into our house in September, and we are all much happier with the space we have now. (About 1400 sq. ft. compared to our previous apartment that was about 800 sq. ft.) Our cat, Alcott loves the room to run, which he does... most often right under our feet.

 This is Alcott. Also known as Al-snot, Al-cat, Al-kitty, Fuzzy Butt, and Baby. He's addicted to toy mice and he likes to taste whatever it is we are cooking. He will stand up to the counter or lay directly under our feet until we give him a piece of potato or broccoli. He's our baby and he knows it.

The only cat I know who enjoys belly rubs. Crazy cat.

Jordan and I have gotten involved with a new hobby, Geocaching. We don't get to go as often as we'd like, but we've found some pretty cool caches! We're planning to set one up ourselves, so watch for more info on that.

Both Jordan and I enjoy taking pictures. We use a variety of cameras, Jordan has a Nikon D80, I have my iPhone, and on our honeymoon we bought a Fuji point-and-shoot waterproof camera. It's green. We use that one most because of it's portability.

I'm currently in a class that involves taking photos, so I'll be using the Nikon for that. I'll post links to the photos from that class as I take them.

We have a current goal of losing weight this year. School has insulated us both well, and we've decided it's time to get rid of said insulation. We have set a goal of losing 100 lbs collectively. We'll let you know how that goes.

I recently finished my first big project for another class, Digital Video Production. I'll post a link to the video soon. I'm quite proud of it actually!! Today is the day I turn it in, so I'll let you all know how it goes over with the class and the teacher.

I must run for now. But I'm going to try to post again soon. Have a great day!

Sunday, May 10

Wedding Season

It's May, and I know several couples who are or already have tied the knot this month. It's kinda weird though. How old are we really? I don't feel old enough to know peers who are getting married, and yet, I'm old enough to be getting married. Wow.

Anyways, things are moving forward. I'm taking The Dress to be fitted tomorrow. That alone is exciting.

The invites are sent. We only have a few more to hand deliver around here, and then that part will be finished!

Now that school is out, my stress level has dropped, and I've managed to not bite or peel my nails! They are looking rather nice right now. I'll be working hard to keep them that way. I wan nice fingernails and hands for the wedding!

The church we attend here has scheduled a wedding shower for the 24th. If you're in the area, you are welcome to come join us! At the Apison SDA Church at 2 p.m. I'm not sure where we're going to put any more gifts... but we'll manage. It will all have to fit in here anyways, so we might as well start the puzzle now!

We will be heading North sometime during the last week of May, possibly the 25th. I think we'll be heading to NY to spend a few days with Jordan's parents there, then heading to NH on Friday. Plans are still VERY tentative, but that's the general idea.

We still have so much to do! We still need to work out the order of ceremony and other details for the program... which I still have to design and we'll need to print that at some point too... hmmm.

Mom has told me that she's already gotten many RSVPs for the Big Day, so that's great!

Well, thats just a taste of what's going on lately. Tonight our buds Keith and Nancy are coming over to GRILL. Yumm...

Hugs to all!

Thursday, April 30

The Dress

Today we had Keith and Nancy over. Nancy's one of my bridesmaids, and I've had her dress here, waiting for her to come get it. So tonight she and I locked ourselves in my bedroom to try on our Dresses. She put hers on first to make sure it still fits. It does! (She's super skinny, so we wanted to make sure it wasn't too big.) She'll need to have it hemmed, but that's about it.

So then we got out my Dress. I've been concerned about it fitting. When I bought it, it fit. But that was a semester ago, and this has been a stressful semester. (nuff said) But good news! It still fits! And I only need the bodice fitted. The length, with my shoes, is perfect... just perfect!!! I was so giddy wearing That Dress... ahhhh, I can't wait!

42 days to go!