Tuesday, February 9

A Geocaching Adventure

This past Sabbath we did indeed to geocaching. Hubby and me, Keith and Nancy, and my brother Aaron got all bundled up after church (and after lunch. Never geocache on an empty stomach.) and headed out. It was chilly, but still enjoyable.

My brother is a photo bomber. Go figure!

Our first stop was off of a back road in Apison. It was called "Don't Miss That Turn" or something like that.

We didn't miss the turn, but we almost missed the cache. I don't want to give too much away, so I won't tell you exactly where the cache was. However...

...that is how big this cache was, in it's entirety. And yes, I found it.

See? That's me, signing the miniscule log inside the cache! Sorry, but I was pretty excited to have found this one. It was my first super-micro cache, AND the first for the day, AND it was just really cool.

We went on to find two caches at the end of our road. We've meant to stop and find them, but just hadn't had time to stop. Until Sabbath.

The first cache was right by the road. Again, so as to not give too much away, I tried to not show specific landmarks.

Aaron was the one who found this one. He was pretty excited.

The same people to placed this cache also placed one further back on their property. We just happened to meet the owners wife as we were casually strolling down their driveway. Our obstacle was a massive German Shepherd, who was on a run that crossed our path to the cache. If it weren't for the Lady of the House, we'd be dog food.

Ok, he might look vicious (which is what we originally thought he was) but he's really not. She had just let him off his run, and he was just excited to be free. I would be too.

So, major obstacle averted, we pushed on to find the next cache. Jordan got to it first.

Keith just wasn't quick enough this time... :-)

We moved on now to some caches in Ooltewah. So far we'd had a good finding streak, and we wanted to see how far we could go without settling for a "did not find."

This next cache was on the side of a busy road that shall remain nameless. If you're from the area, you might recognize it... but then again, maybe not.

Another find for me! Keith had been snooping around this one for a while, but just couldn't find it. It's actually a 2-liter bottle, before stretching. Very cool for a cache.

It's us! Not bad for holding the camera out at arms length, huh?

On to the next cache!

Ok, any locals will know where this one is. You kinda can't miss a plane that nose-dived into Ooltewah. Especially when it's bright yellow.

This one was harder to find, simply because of all the rain recently.

See that orange tube? Yeah, that's the cache.

But the log was dry! But then came the challenge of putting the cache back.

Jordan was chosen to stick his hand in the yucky water to re-place the cache. Ew.

We were now 5 for 5! We were on a roll!

The next cache was supposedly in the middle of this field. We never found it. Boo.

We searched for another cache at a nearby car wash, but didn't find that one either. However, we were not willing to give up. So we trudged on.

Nancy was the one who found this one! It was stuck in a hole at the base of a tree. We'd now found 6 caches, and we weren't slowing down!

The next cache we found was a rock! Not a real rock, of course, but a man-made rock with a cache inside. Keith was pretty excited to find this one.

I found this one in a tree!

And Aaron found this one in a tree!

Over the whole day we found 17 caches! It was a great day, even though it got cold towards the end. We're planning to go out again in a couple of weeks. Maybe I'll post some pics from that adventure too.

Must run for now, movie time!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Obviously, you guys loved Easter Egg hunting as kids! This looks like a lot of fun. We may have to take up the hobby when spring arrives. You think it's cold there?....