Friday, February 5

Working Out

This morning Hubs and I started a new work out. A 30-day challenge offered to us by the EA Sports Active Wii fitness video game. We already had the Wii Fit game and balance board, but the game left us feeling quite unsatisfied. Wii Fit has some fun games, but it didn't leave us feeling very "worked out." So last month we splurged and bought the EA Sports Active game. It comes with a leg strap for the nunchuk and a resistance band.

And this morning, we tried it. We didn't really know what to expect. We had seen it used on the TV show The Doctors, and we liked that we could work out together if we wanted to. (To work out with a friend, you need to buy a second leg strap and resistance band.) But just for today, we took turns.

We started out on the "easy" work out setting, and it was just right. The first work out of the 30-day challenge goes over the basics: all the major muscle groups and cardio. There was a variety of running in place, boxing, bicep curls, etc. We both had a lot of fun!

When the initial work out was done, and after I had cooled down a bit, I went back and created my own 10-minute workout, just boxing. I chose 10 different boxing sets, from targets to heavy bag, and just had at it. I'm still feeling that in my shoulders... But it was fun!

We've both going to try very hard to keep up with this 30-day challenge. It's something we both need to do, and if we can do it together and have fun, then that's great!

I know this sounds like just a commercial, and I apologize, but this is something new and exciting for us, so I had to share. Maybe someone else can benefit from this post. If you do, let me know! Leave a comment!

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