Thursday, October 2

Wedding writery

Howdy folks

Jordan and I have been brainstorming on paperish stuff, with help from Courtney. I believe we've settled on a Save-The-Date design, and we're getting close to settling on invites. We hope to be getting started on those soon. Jordan and I went to Hobby Lobby the other day to look at paper, and picked up some samples to fiddle with and figure out how we can make this stuff ourselves. I think it will work.

It's hard to believe we're almost to mid-term break! Jordan and I will be going to North and South Carolina with our friends Keith and Nancy for their wedding shower and other wedding preparations. They are getting married on December 21. (yay!) So we are looking forward to that.

We are fast approaching the 7-months-to-go mark... We're getting really excited! Jordan looked at suits the other day and S&K. He hasn't settled on anything yet, but I found a suit that I liked. A brown suit with a very light stripe to it... it looked really good when he tried it on. But suits are up to him...mostly... ;-)

Well, homework is still around, so I'd better get to it.
hugs to all!

Thursday, September 25

Our Logo!

Hey folks! Here's our new logo. Courtney did a great job!!!

Wednesday, September 24

A brief update

Howdy folks!

Well, I have found my dress.... not quite sure how it's going to work out though, its a bit over budget. But Jordan and I have talked about it, and we're discussing how to work it out.

We have also settled on a logo! Our wonderful friend Courtney Herod has been working hard on putting something together for us. I'll post it here soon so you all can see it. He's been great, considering I didn't really give him much to work with. But now we have it, and it will really help to tie everything together, save-the-dates, invites, programs, thank yous.....


I think that's all for now. Classes have overwhelmed us, and we don't have much free time this semester. I will update this as often as we can. Next semester will be easier. Jordan will be breezing through his last semester, and I will be cutting back my credit hours to focus more on planning.

If y'all want to know anything about our wedding plans or us, let us know!

Sunday, September 7

From the bride-to-be

Hello friends!

As Jordan said, wedding planning has been forced to a crawl. I don't like it, but I can't do much about it right now. I am trying to find time to go look at some dresses, but unless I want to go alone (boo) it might be a while. Everyone has such crazy schedules! Maybe next week...

We have updated our theme a little bit, but I don't want to give too much away too early, so Jordan and I will be keeping that to ourselves.

Must run for now. Homework is beckoning!

love to all,

Tuesday, September 2

An update from Jordan

Things have slowed down a little for our planning for now. I have started my busiest semester to-date and Ashley is working on getting into the flow of the semester. 
Ashley is hoping to go down town with some friends and look at dresses and other things soon and I'm sure she will post after she does that. 

As for a update on what has been decided: we have picked a location,  the  wedding will be at Ashley's Home church in Concord NH. we looked at a couple options and that seems to be the best.  I think we have picked a theme, however I will let her tell you about that so I don't give anything away I'm not supposed to. and our date is still May 17 2009. 

I hope we can put more updates up soon.

I need to get back to the papers and project that keep coming in.


Sunday, August 3

Honeymoon Decisions

We have been offered two timeshares to use for our honeymoon (Thank you Grampa and Juanita Bartel and Grammie Cheney!). This week we got the book of locations from Grampa Bartel's timeshare. There are so many places we want to go!!! We haven't settled on anything yet. We want to see what Grammie Cheney's timeshare offers before we decide. Maybe we'll be able to take 2 weeks honeymoon and use both!

We are probably going to find someplace within driving distance. We love road trips, but can't afford to drive too far. Probably no further than the central US. One thing I will say is that whatever we do decide on, not many people will know. *wink* We don't want any midnight visitors! heehee!

No updates on a wedding location yet. My parents are still working out a time to visit a church I've got my eye on. If it works out, then it will be perfect. I won't tell you yet. It's a surprise!

For now, we are working on finishing up our summer obligations. Jordan is taking 12 hours of classes and I am working at a summer day camp. It has been a challenging summer for both of us, but the fact that we've been able to spend it together has been a real blessing.

A quick request: Pray for Jordan's uncle Dean. He was recently diagnosed with leukemia and started chemo this week. Keep him in your prayers as he and his family work through this battle together.

Love to all,

Tuesday, July 29

A date!

Hello friends!

A few people know this already, but Jordan and I have set a date for our wedding.
The glorious event will take place on May 17, 2009. It will be somewhere in NH (my home). Exactly where is still to be determined. We are scouting out a few places... or rather, my parents are scouting and taking pictures. When we get some pics, I'll post a couple here.

For now, Jordan and I are working on finalizing our budget and a few other boring things. Soon we'll get to the fun stuff!

Our posts are probably going to be pretty short for now. We're in the middle of our summer jobs and don't have much spare time. Once we get settled into our school routine we'll be able to write more. Plus, by then, more exciting things will be happening!

much love to everyone,

Monday, July 28

Hi From the Groom

Hey all,

Since Ashley posted our story I wanted to come on and say I will be trying to add to this blog too. 

I hope you enjoy following our story as we move closer to our BIG day.


The beginning of an Adventure

 Well, I guess it's not quite the beginning... The beginning was 3 years ago. And it has been an adventure!

For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, Jordan and I are engaged!

A brief retelling of the proposal:
Jordan and I were on spring break with my brother, Aaron, and two of our best friends, Keith and Nancy (who recently got engaged as well!). We travelled to Myrtle Beach, SC to spend some much needed free time on the beach and in the pool. On Sunday, March 2, the five of us went for an evening walk along the beach. After walking for a while, Jordan stopped and took my hands in his. I didn't notice, but Aaron and Keith and Nancy spread out around us with cameras. After whispering some sweet nothings, Jordan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.

Of course I said yes!!

A minor car accident a few days later set back our initial planning, but now we're on a roll. I will do my best to keep you all up-to-date on the wedding plans, and maybe even our first year married!

I'll sign off for now though. But don't worry. I'll be back soon!