Thursday, September 25

Our Logo!

Hey folks! Here's our new logo. Courtney did a great job!!!

Wednesday, September 24

A brief update

Howdy folks!

Well, I have found my dress.... not quite sure how it's going to work out though, its a bit over budget. But Jordan and I have talked about it, and we're discussing how to work it out.

We have also settled on a logo! Our wonderful friend Courtney Herod has been working hard on putting something together for us. I'll post it here soon so you all can see it. He's been great, considering I didn't really give him much to work with. But now we have it, and it will really help to tie everything together, save-the-dates, invites, programs, thank yous.....


I think that's all for now. Classes have overwhelmed us, and we don't have much free time this semester. I will update this as often as we can. Next semester will be easier. Jordan will be breezing through his last semester, and I will be cutting back my credit hours to focus more on planning.

If y'all want to know anything about our wedding plans or us, let us know!

Sunday, September 7

From the bride-to-be

Hello friends!

As Jordan said, wedding planning has been forced to a crawl. I don't like it, but I can't do much about it right now. I am trying to find time to go look at some dresses, but unless I want to go alone (boo) it might be a while. Everyone has such crazy schedules! Maybe next week...

We have updated our theme a little bit, but I don't want to give too much away too early, so Jordan and I will be keeping that to ourselves.

Must run for now. Homework is beckoning!

love to all,

Tuesday, September 2

An update from Jordan

Things have slowed down a little for our planning for now. I have started my busiest semester to-date and Ashley is working on getting into the flow of the semester. 
Ashley is hoping to go down town with some friends and look at dresses and other things soon and I'm sure she will post after she does that. 

As for a update on what has been decided: we have picked a location,  the  wedding will be at Ashley's Home church in Concord NH. we looked at a couple options and that seems to be the best.  I think we have picked a theme, however I will let her tell you about that so I don't give anything away I'm not supposed to. and our date is still May 17 2009. 

I hope we can put more updates up soon.

I need to get back to the papers and project that keep coming in.
